Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

True happiness ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’—

Every meeting in our life have  precious moment. Yesterday on 17 july 2017, I followed KKN project, because that is one of prerequirement  courses in Manado State University. West Pusian  is one of village in Bolaang mongondow Induk, North sulawesi. If you want to go to West pusian the time is around 20 minutes from Kotamobagu. I went to West pusian with my team KKN for the first time because we have kkn project stat on 17 july 2017 up to 20 august 2017. I got new friends there, we introduce ourselves to each other, althought there's no network like internet access in Pusian Barat, but everything is okay. We enjoy the first atmosphere and every moment there. The peole in pusian barat very kind, and friendly especially for (Bapak dan Ibu Sangadi) west pusian like our family. In west pusian, there are KKN project like : english course, being english teaching at kindergarten and elementary school and input data. We were taught at SDN 2 PUSIAN BARAT and Kindergarten. When I went to Elementary school and kindergarten for the forst time, I was so suprised because the children had enthusiasm to learn about english subject, they were enthusiasm to know about numbers, alphabet and all about english, I was remember when teaching time already done, the children asked a question for us like "kakak, torang suka ba kursus pa kakak, torang boleh ikut kursus bahasa inggris?" They asked a question for us about english course so they can learning more about english. It was simple , but those moments were happiness and made me felt motivated, althought they lived in village, but they have spirit and enthusiasm to learn about english. I hope they will be good children, and I hope they can reach their dreams and make their parents proud of them. Sometimes happiness can not be measured only with money, but true happiness always comes in every moment when you can feel grateful, inspired and happy about simple things.

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